looks better on desktop !!

gif of a rainbow disco ball spinning green glittery dripping text gif of a rainbow disco ball spinning

my name is sel (they/them) :)

rainbow line breaker

Professionally i am a graphic and web (and basically anything) designer (my client portfolio) but on this site ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i'm just tryna have fun

neopets meerca throwing confettineopets meerca throwing confettineopets meerca throwing confetti

more about me:

based in the northeast of the usa, and sometimes nova scotia canada. i like biking, collecting specifically ironic garfield memorabilia, watching 2d cartoons (some good ones are: mission hill, rock and rule, the treasure planet), and speculating on the social implications of webspeak and internet culture on society. central themes in my art include being playful and silly, figurative illustration, queer identity, and web culture.

right pointing arrow spinning 3d question mark left pointing arrow

oohhh mystery question mark press it and see what happens oooohhh

don't forget to:

green glittery dripping text
Rounded script logo reading 'LovelyDorrie' in pink with a yellow and white outline bouncing up and down on pink background with a darker pink repeating hearts and broken hearts pattern.

branding and illustrations for the spanking muse

i designed a logo and brand identity for bad girl copy, a copywriting service for the kink community.

Rounded script logo reading 'LovelyDorrie' in pink with a yellow and white outline bouncing up and down on pink background with a darker pink repeating hearts and broken hearts pattern.

business card for lovelydorrie

dorrie commissioned me to make her a new business card, so i drew her as a magical girl and designed a logo too!

close up of watercolor comic. left panel: woman makes breakfast while other woman sits at table. right panel: woman kissing other woman's forehead. below, text reading 'good morning, i love you'


a selection of my commissioned works

cropped close-up of two cowboys riding a horse. one leans on the back of the other, asleep.

original works

some finished paintings of my original characters

pencil sketch of nude woman reclining, looking into a mirror held by a cherub

classical reproductions

a selection of my classical reproductions aka things i drew in museums

green glittery dripping text
prescriptivist meme spread

talk lk u mean it (my big thesis)

have u ever wondered why we use 'lol' all the time? or if emojis will ever take over our language? maybe u want to know why that '.' sounds angry ? well in this book, about the language of the internet, or webspeak, you can find out ! read about the history, the linguistic reasoning and components, and societal implications of webspeak.

spread comparing the golden ratio of a painting and a meme

The Meme Textbook

a precursor to my thesis; this is an academic style textbook about memes. it chronicles their history, breaks down their formats and humor styles, and poses the question: what even are memes?

spread of narrative trail end with memes and emojis

👹 (how to annoy people on mmorpgs)

this choose-your-own adventure style book gives the reader three different scenarios where they have to navigate through an experience with an asshole. will you come away from the interaction unscathed or will you become an asshole yourself?

green glittery dripping text
'trauma center' with trigger warning and sticker bowl on a pedestel, behind is projected woods on vinyl type

trauma center

a gallery installation made in collaboration with dani dinstman about our experiences with emotional and sexual trauma. the installation centers around an enclosed 'trauma center' surrounded by a metaphorical waiting room, which uses the language often directed at trauma survivors.

shot of instal showing large yarn web, three charcoal portaits, and charcoal hand tryptich


a gallery installation made in collaboration with olivia gelard. inspired by the essay "grandmother spider" by rebecca solnit, louise bourgeois, and our own matrilineal lines, the gallery pays homage to the forgotten women throughout history and embraces traditionally feminine art-forms ('''''''''craft''''''''').

at least my cactus is alive

this installation was made for a project in my junior typography class (an autobiography in 6 words). i basically spent all my spare time for a week holed up in this room, on 3 cups of coffee and two of those Starbucks Espresso Double Shot™s and scrawled about all of my anxiety and trauma on lined paper then hung those on hemp string. there's also a presentational video.

wall installation, flowchart with text connecting with green and pink arrows

what social media should you post that on?

this wall installation, made entirely of vinyl and gaffer tape, is a teen-magazine-style quiz that will tell you what social media to post on based on the content. the installation comments on the collective understanding of social media nuance and attempts to codify some content classifications.

green glittery dripping text

my email

my client portfolio website

my github

my linkedin

find me on line

my personal instagram

my design instagram

my vimeo (please don't watch the really old homework assignments lol)

i'm also on medium

*sighing* yes i have a tumblr

can't forget my illustration tumblr

my behance i guess...

i just got on dribbble !

my gumroad (has zines)/

i do have an are.na

pet sites

this is mostly for the archive of it all, i'm not really an active player anyore. iykyk

fungii on subeta

fungii on egg cave

fungii on flight rising

selinag on neopets